Anahata Codes Session Forms
Complete Online Quick and Easy
To make this process smooth for you, I have two options for you to complete and get your forms to me. I am trying out the Google docs option so I am including a option to complete online and a option to print out and complete then scan back to me if online session or print for In-person session.
Once I have a chance to review your forms, I will contact you regarding booking your appointment. I normally do my sessions via Zoom so we can see one another and have the option to record your session for you if so desired. I can also do a session over the phone if that's the only option.
Once I have your issues you want help addressing, it will take me a few days to prepare for your session so if you need to add anything to what you have already shared, you will need to contact me immediately.
I am excited you have taken this step to assist your
Holistic Health & Well-being!
I look forward to working with you and assisting you in Remembering your Beautiful Magnificence!