Utilizing my natural Intuitive abilities to facilitate your Restorative & Alchemic Healing or Readings
I came into this lifetime with all of my clairs active and connection to Source.
Tho it wasn't until my teenage and early 20's that I started to understand my abilities and how to utilize to assist myself and clients. My abilities continue to become more heightened and in-depth as I further heal my own body and life as it enriches me with so much wisdom to share with others as they transverse their own healing journeys.
Are you ready to evolve.....
Let's jump down the rabbit hole together to get to the root imbalance in your energy field with some restorative healing.
Custom choice of sessions blending many different modalities acquired over the last 24 years that help facilitate whole body healing.
A Restorative Healing Session's foundation is based in a variety of different Energy Medicine Modalities that help facilitate the release of energy blocks that might be causing many of your issues or pain.
Choice of modalities is uniquely chosen for each client and session unless specifically indicated one type modality.
It will be based on what the client is currently dealing with or experiencing at that time in their journey.
Your session includes a post session coaching to receive guidance, motivation and direction concerning your current challenges.
Promotes relaxation, stress reduction, acute & chronic pain relief.
I can make a recommendation of service that I feel will serve you best from the following 3 session types:
$100 per choice of session (+$3.30 fee)
All sessions include credit card processing fee,
indicated with pricing
Anahata Codes
Video session over Zoom
Anahata Codes provide access to assisting frequencies already in the state of reality you wish to resonate with in order for your body to ascend into a place of balance and healing today by bathing your cells in the vibration of the intelligence of things which have information you body will use to balance....
CLICK Learn More to visit a page dedicated just to Anahata Codes.
Arcturian Light & Dragon Healing
Video session over Zoom
During this session Divine Galactic Beings such as Dragons, Fairies, Angels and many more.
These beings are Master Healers who assist me to provide your being with the distant healing it is seeking.
I am simply an attuned channel for these master healers to step in and awaken within you your own healing. We aren't healing you, you are healing yourself with the assistance of the high frequencies we fill and surround you with. These frequencies are awakening the dormant codes and frequencies within your DNA so that you can continue your healing while maintaining the state of well-being.
During sessions, many dragons will join us as well to assist you. Each brings their own level of healing assistance.
During your session, these Arcturian services can be completed:
(scroll down below services for descriptions of these 4 options)
-Arcturian Destiny Re-Write
-Arcturian Holy Fire
-Arcturian Relationship Restoration
-Arcturian Soul Re-intergration
👉Arcturian Light Healing frequencies can be used for:
~ Assisting you in maintaining your life balance and well-being
~Connecting you more fully to your Life Path and expression of your Divine Gifts
~Helping integrate to life on planet Earth if you are Star-seed
~Amplification of other healing techniques you may use
~Physical Healing
~Emotional Release
~Minimizing the Mind or Ego and Strengthening the perspective of your Soul, or Large Self
~Strengthening your intuition and insight
~Expansion of business, career or financial success
~Amplification of creativity and clairvoyance
And much, much more.
Also check out my library of recorded audio Arcturian Activation's to assist your healing journey for purchase in the
Web Store
Empowered Energetics
Video session over Zoom
During this session, the goal is to delete the root reasons, causes, sources, conditions and triggers of energy imbalances, old limiting stories and dis-empowering beliefs. And simultaneously limit the influence of mind or ego. This will allow you, to operate and live more fully from the perspective of an unlimited potential of your Source, Spirit, Soul,
Higher Self...which is a Magical Life indeed!!
Empowered Energetics works under the presumption that any intention placed in
a person’s Energetic Core (the energetic core is the Solar Plexus Region and the
mid-line - an imaginary line that cuts the body in half vertically) manifests in the
non-physical. Until you address these imbalances, they will then manifest into physical form. We will work to the layer you are ready for.
Empowered Energetics incorporates some of the most cutting-edge energetic methods for self-healing, regeneration, and accelerated performance improvement.
Some of the many benefits of Empowered Energetics are…
** Pain Alleviation (Chronic & Acute)
** Anxiety & Stress Reduction
**Improvement of Serious Illnesses
**Rapid Fear Removal
**Performance Improvement
** Behavior Modifications
**Reduction of Abundance Blocks
**Increased Clarity and Purpose
You will discover how when you systematically delete conflicting energy from 9 different categories that are creating weakness in your energy field, you will find and delete the root causes of the block or misbelief. Many modalities only work on emotions, past lives, pathogens. or belief systems.
Empowered Energetics works with those AND more, guaranteeing you, your family, your pets the best opportunity to completely and effectively delete the reasons, causes and sources of conflict, pain and mis-creation.
Are you ready go much deeper....
Intensive Services for the Seasoned Aware Being
who wishes to address their Timeline loops, patterns & Multi-Dimensional Self
$125 per session (+$4.04fee)
Galactic Alchemy Dragon Journeys
Video Session Over Zoom
These are fun personal journeys all guided by your higher self. No two journeys are alike which makes them that much more fun!
I will guide you into a relaxed meditative state of being which allows you to step out of your ego mind and into your higher self. We will begin the journey based on how you guides see best fit. We will visit and travel with dragons, fairies, angels and many more galactic beings of light. This works well to facilitate Timeline Healing and collapse. Most journeys take around 1 hour.
If you aren't quite ready for your own personal 1on1 journey, you can check out some of the previous group journeys that you are called to.
General Journey Recordings for sale in my Web Store
Video session over Zoom
Personal Deep Dive Transformations
Private 1 on 1 setting over Zoom
Ready for a fresh start......craving balance once more?
Each transformation is unique in it's own way based on what the client is in need of transforming and purging.
Depending on the selected program, I will tune into your Higher Self and Guides to see what is the best approach to assist. Then connect with you to see where any resistance lies within that is creating the chaos in your life. This is where the alchemy plan is mapped out.
Transformations blend all my wisdom, skills and connections to provide the best holistic approach to your needs. I will be utilizing the Anahata Codes, a Bio-Diverse Healing Modality, each day we blast through old limiting belief systems and programs to clear the way for real transformation to unfold for your highest good!
In addition to utilizing the Anahata Codes, I utilize the
following to assist you:
Empowered Energetics
Arcturian Light Healing
Light Language
Light Code Downloads/Activation's
Oracle Readings
Dragon Journeys
Sound Healing
Essential Oils
-The 3 day or 3 week program is good for 1-3 issues that need immediate assistance and you have already been doing some intense healing on your own. We would meet either 3 days in a row or every other day over 5 days.
-The 6 weeks program is for the deeper dive to address layers upon layers of traumas, energetic blockages and more. We will meet 1x wk for several hours and you will have some self work to complete each week on your own at your pace.
You will receive your own private Facebook or similar group to keep all your session videos, files and correspondence from me to refer
back to for years to come.
All calls are recorded and posted in the group. At NO time is any of the recordings, postings, calls, healing, etc from your program to be shared with others. Nor will I share any of the files as all treated confidentially.
**Payment plans available, please contact us to request**
3 weeks Intensive $299 (+$9.24 fee)
4 weeks Intensive $399 (+$12.23 fee)
6 weeks Intensive $599 (+18.20 fee)
Payments available, please ask
Arcturian Descriptions
1. Arcturian Destiny Re-Write:
This session is very powerful. It is designed to clear away all the energetic tendencies, beliefs, and patterns that have created
the current situation. When this is done, it give the recipient the opportunity to create from a fresh, clean new, blank slate.
I imagine it like a huge wave of energy wiping everything out up until the current moment.
2. Arcturian Holy Fire:
The Holy Fire Healing is designed to "burn away" limitations, trauma and further activate your Divine Potential and Purpose.
3. Arcturian Relationship Restoration:
Working with the Purple Dragon to soothe and transform damaged
relationships. This can be with people, money, career or even self. The
main purpose of this healing is to witness the situation from the other
parties perspective which will lead to compassion, understanding and
4. Arcturian Soul Reintegration:
Whenever we suffer a physical or emotional trauma, a part of our soul flees the body in order to survive the experience. With every cut and wound, our essence and vitality grows weaker. The Arcturian Soul Reintegration partners with high frequency Arcturian Technology to magnetically call back all the fragments of You, Your Soul, Your Essence and re-integrates them so you are more powerful. Your Unique Energy Signature is clearer and brighter allowing you to manifest more easily and LIVE from the perspective of your Higher Self.
Intuitive Readings
Messages from your Higher Self & Guides
Reading are unique for each person
depending on what I feel you need,
to bring you the clarity you are seeking.
Most people ask for a reading that shares what they are most in need of being made aware. I always start each reading with you focusing on what you would like some guidance on as it brings things into your awareness and heightens the connection to your higher self.
Themes can include:
Past, Present, Future
Challenges, Clarity, Support
Relationships, Business, Life
Or Guidance Directed by your Higher Self & Spirit
A longer reading is perfect to address multiple questions or complex concerns.
Plus you get even more time to receive channeled messages from Spirit.
When you book we will have a discussion of your current interest to gain insights. I will tune into your energy to see which spreads will help provide you your insights and allow you to choose which resonates with you best.
30 min $65
60 min $125
75 min $150
90 min $175
Future Timeline Readings
3 month $125
6 month $250
Higher Self Reading & Talisman
Your Higher Self is the real you that most never get to chat with due to our ego minds getting in the way. Normally how you know you are getting info from your higher self, if you get immediate answers to questions or feel a hunch you know something but just not sure how you know it. This is your inner guidance attempting to pass on messages to you.
The Higher Self reading is a great way to bring forth the messages about your purpose and mission and gives you insights into how to get focused on this while bypassing your ego mind getting in the way to keep you from living the life you are meant to be living.
This is a lengthy printed reading that comes with a infused healing talisman in the form of a necklace that holds the messages from your reading with the extra boost of color and crystal therapy as well as numerology sequences that all give a even deeper interpretation of what your Higher Self was conveying that you can use as a healing tool in meditation or wear around your neck to help keep your energy clear and energized.
Russian Gypsy Card Reading
The Gypsy Cards go much deeper and take
much more time to do. You can come
with a question or allow the cards to show
you what you need to be shown that you
are ready for.
The cards are laid down
in 5 rows/5 across. As the cards are
laid down, images are created which
are your messages from spirit.
Although these readings can become
intense for some, they reveal such
profound wisdom from the past, present
and future that can really help you in your everyday life.
The book meanings of your matches along with spirit guidance will be shared.
** Readings over a hour $25 per each
additional 15 minutes **
Gypsy Reading - 1hr $125
Gypsy + Angel - 80 min $150
All reading cost are per hour, $25 for each additional
15 minutes
Readings Testimonials
I’ve know Sarah as a friend and colleague for many years. What I have observed is her dedication to her field and continual development over the past decade. I have always found her work very accurate and intuitive.
Recently I had a Gypsy Card reading and session with Sarah. At the time of the reading it did not resonate or make enough sense to me to make any connections. To my surprise within about 2 months it came to full fruition. I think part of me was hoping she would be wrong because it wasn’t results I wanted to hear. I have to testify to her accuracy. There was also guidance in the reading for the situation as it occurred which helped me manage through it. It was a very powerful experience with positive results.
Sarah is a genuine, loving soul! Healing and light are her true calling. Her one card reading with the extra message from Spirit was spot on and resonated deeply with things I had been feeling, but doubting. Thank you Sarah for your gift.
January 2018
I have previously had card readings via Sarah Otis' free service. These were totally spot on, despite her knowing nothing about my challenges at that time.
It was not surprising then, that on my now having a MAJOR decision to make, I should be guided to Sarah for a private reading.
And Oh my goodness, my higher guidance was again SPOT ON.
Sarah asked me NOT to tell her about my 'issue' before she chose the cards, as she felt this would cloud the cards and that the 'story' would develop during the reading.
To say that I am blown away by her intuitive ability and the accuracy of her reading, would be to minimize the serious gift which she brings to the table. The cards, and her insight, enabled me to make the decision I needed to make very quickly. I had 2 options in my decision, and the cards clearly showed the way forward. Not only that, once she explained the cards, it was such a relief...!!!!
I guess we all know deep inside what the answers are, Sarah just helped that come to the surface.
What an amazing experience!
Sarah was kind and patient, as well as VERY knowledgeable. She took her time with the reading, and I never felt that she was rushing her explanations or my understanding.
I would unreservedly recommend Sarah Otis to anyone who is in my situation. This was, as I said, a major decision I had to make, and today, I feel more than relieved that the I could make the decision that feels 100% right for me.
Thank you so much Sarah.....
Sarah did a one card reading for me in February 2017
What impressed me most is the love and support that came through in the spirit message apart from an intense intuitive knowledge of my current ongoing struggles. It was very uplifting to read and receive the messages and I was very surprised about the depth they offered to me. Sarah does excellent at non judgemental review and useful hints how to deal with the challenges at hand without creating attachment whatsoever. I highly recommend her for her wonderful way to help compassionately and thoroughly.
I have been actively engaged in the spiritual path for more than 25 y. and am convinced that Sarah's review has put me in touch with tools and support that I did not have access to prior. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
"Once again my reading was spot on! Though Sarah is half a world away from me, she energetically connects intensely with her clients! The spiritual guidance brings so much unconditional love and understanding to my difficult situation that I am overwhelmed to feel this much positive support. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I cannot recommend her enough if you want to further your views on the ongoing support that is available for you!!
It was deeply surprising and has opened up insights that I never even realized was really there within me! I can feel my awareness of my spirit guides presence by my side stronger!! it was so helpful and something substantial to work with... thank you to Sarah xo
The reading hit directly at a topic very valid for my current situation. The insights and recommendations were accurate and made me consider the situation without the sugar coating of illusions - I did need a slight kick and I got it and am happy with the wording that Sarah used to make me turn my eyes in the right direction.
Sarah is such a divine soul. Her card reading was divinely inspired and completely resonated with my soul path at this time. It was a perfect confirmation of what I needed to journey forward into my highest good. I would highly recommend her insight and guidance along your journey. It will open doors of possibilities and opportunity to grow deeper into this amazing journey. I adore her page, energy, and offers as I'm sure you will too!